Hi, I'am Tracey
Hi, I'm Tracey
30+ Years Work Experience
I have been in the health care industry for just over thirty years. While servicing in a medical field, I realized that there is more to health, wellness and healing that our typical western medicine practices can’t provide.
Struggling myself over the years with chronic pain due to Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and the anxiety and depression that came with the situation, I searched for many years to find relief. With much perseverance, I found Meditation, Yoga, Craniosacral Therapy and the Healing of Touch to be a huge resource for my healing and remission.
Tracey Babb Pike
About Tracey Babb Pike,
Professional Healing Practitioner
for Stress & Injury Recovery
Being a rheumatoid arthritis survivor herself, Tracey has experienced and tried all sorts of yoga ideas and now shares helps others that are also having health concerns.
Trained as a counselor, somatic therapist and biodynamic craniosacral therapist along with a background of 30 years of medical health, she looks at the whole picture and takes a holistic approach to helping and supporting her clients.
Together you will practice yoga and various techniques, so she can design a program that works for you. Leaving you with instruction to practice and return for follow up, so you can reevaluate the situation and create positive outcomes.
Our Testimonials
” I am so thankful to have met Tracey and I only wish our paths had crossed so much sooner. I appreciated that from our first introduction, she took extra time and effort to get to know me including my complex health struggles and needs while expressing a genuine compassionate enthusiasm and interest in helping. For someone who is usually quite reserved, this was a step outside my comfort zone but with her kind and fun nature, I quickly felt trust and at ease with Tracey.
The passion that Tracey has for helping people shines through and continues to inspire in every correspondence we’ve had – it is worth noting that she has also taken the time to check in on me in between sessions which further demonstrates her attention to care and commitment. The wealth of knowledge, tools, and resources she has provided me with has further highlighted that extra personalized touch that has made all the difference. I can’t thank you enough Tracey for all your help, support, and guidance but most importantly for being you! “
” I am Very well. Really settled my nervous system. It also got rid of the massive debate in my head. Feel good, still have lots of emotional work to do. I seem to be a little more clear about the parts that need attention. Greatly appreciate your skill level and guidance. Will look into the meditation you suggested “
Dear Tracey
My Yoga & Fitness Education
- Marine Basic First Aid CPR/AED Level C – July 2023
Canadian Red Cross
- Standup Paddleboard Canada, Vancouver, B.C. - June 2022
- Exercise & Fitness For Healthy Aging - March 9, 2018
Jamiee Stokes, Sport Science, Vancouver
- Bands/Balls/Balance & Yoga -Inspired Stretching
- Island Fitness Conference – Nov. 2015
Assessing & Training Elements of Fascial System, Part 1 & 2, Myofacial Compression Techniques, Trigger Point Therapy to improve strength & stability, Assisting Seniors Toward Aging Positively, Creating a Healthy Mind-Body Connection for Success.
- Island Fitness Conference – November 2014
- Laughter Yoga Leader Certification - Oct. 7, 8 and 9, 2011
Doreen Bakstad
BLYS Yoga Studio, Parksville
- Kids Yoga Instructor Course - November 2010
- Yoga Conference & Show – September 2010
Sessions Attended:
– The Sacrum (6 hrs) Instructor: Brad Waites
– Hands of an Angel, Learning the Art of Assisting (6 hrs) Lisa Black
– Osteoporosis & Osteoarthritis (4 hrs) Margot McKinnon
- Chakra Flow (2 hrs) - September 30, October 1, 2 and 3, 2010
- Third Age Specialty Fitness Module - August 2010
- British Columbia Recreation & Parks Association BC Fit Conference - August 15 and 16, 2009
Sessions Attended:
– Bender Ball Method Total Body Conditioning
– How to Bring Yoga Philosophy into your Class
– Musculoskeletal Screening
– Quick & Precise Postural Assessment & Corrective Exercises
– When Small Muscles Become Big Problems
– Unforgettable Fusion of Yoga & Pilates.
- Yoga Exercise Specialist Certificate - February 2008
- Yoga Safety Course, Level 1 - November 2007
- Yoga Exercise Certificate Course - October 2007
- Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Level 2 - March 2004
- Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 Certificate of Special Achievement
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki & Health Education
- Elevate Your Craniosacral Practice - Oct to April 2019
- Online Study of Somatic Experiencing & Pain Management: 2018, 2019
- Somatics Daily Routine Workshop
March 30, 2019 Om Town Yoga, Nanaimo
Achieving Maximum Benefit from Your Somatics Routine
Rob Selmanovic, Soulworks Body Wisdom
- Basic Principles Of Somatic Experiencing
- Usui Reiki Level 1 & 2
October/November 2017, February/March 2018
- Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Vancouver, BC – June 2016
- Working with Clients with Chronic Conditions, Motivational & Leadership Skills - Oct. 10, 2015
- Biodynamics Craniosacral Therapy
Registered BCST July 27, 2015 – Sept 2013
- Level 3 Healing Touch Certificate - November 2 & 3, 2013
- Level 2 Healing Touch Certificate – October 20 and 21, 2012
- Level 1 Healing Touch Certification – January 28 and 29, 2012
- Counselling Skills Level 1 - May 8, 2003 Malaspina University-College