
About Tracey

I have been in the health care industry for just over thirty years.


  • 133 McMillan Street Parksville, BC, V9P 2H5 Canada

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  • +1 250-248-4168

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True Touch Therapy Helping You With:

April 1, 2024 marks 20 years of starting my Yoga Teaching Business in the Oceanside Community on Vancouver Island. I would like to give a big heartfelt thank you to all of my students, clients and everyone that has supported and followed me on this healing journey. I am honored and enthusiastic to serve many more years to those that are struggling physically, emotionally or spiritually, within a safe and trusting environment together.

When I moved to Parksville from Alberta in 1993 I had no idea where I’d work or what my career would be.  After ambitiously taking on a gardening job in the rainy spring, I quickly realized it wasn’t a job for my aching bones. It literally was hell!  Nightly soaking in the hot tub helped alleviate the Rheumatoid Arthritis pain in my hands and feet so I could manage to sleep and work the next day. At this point I had been on medications for a number of years. The damp weather and probably the stress of moving and not knowing where I would be working had created another flareup.

Keeping a Tough Farm Girl Image

I was stubborn, in denial and had a belief that “People wouldn’t believe that I was in that much pain” or “I am too young to feel this way” or others will think that “I am lazy” or “She is too young to have arthritis”.  I had no idea at the time that my internal dialogue and beliefs were keeping me sick. Habitually I stuck it out and prayed for sunnier days and an indoor job.  I found a receptionist position at a law firm within months but this too was not a position for me.  However it enabled me to learn more about law and meet some lovely new friends while becoming more familiar with my community.

Understanding Trauma and Emotional Pain

I previously had 9 years experience in the dental laboratory field making dentures and oral appliances.  It was an amazing opportunity and a great experience but a very toxic environment with challenging employers along with constant profound acrylic and monomer fumes. This became dangerously tolerated with exposure on a daily basis.  I know now that this overload of toxicity was one of many factors of my early adolescent disease.  I was also experiencing fight, flight and freeze behaviors living in survival mode; as this is often a natural human behavior when quietly coping internally with our own traumas. I realized that being shy and afraid to tell the truth keeps everyone and their deep secrets safe without punishment.  This internal stress is a vicious cycle which also led to my “dis-ease”.

Healing Journey

My health improved when my environment changed in 1994.  I landed the position of Medical Office Assistant for a Family Doctors practice in Qualicum Beach. I heard that two new family doctors in town were needing more staff due to their high demand. I was in my element with a safe, healthy and compassionate environment and I loved what I did. This was the beginning of my healing journey.

Although I was in my element I still had lots of ups and downs with managing my pain and stress but I never gave in or gave up! I soon resorted to trying a yoga class in the evenings to manage my aching body and I found it very difficult physically and embarrassing.  I was putting labels on myself with repetitive internal self sabotaging talk.  I was a yo-yo yogee for several years but I continued to pursue it as I could no longer participate in my previous activities. With persistence of practicing mindfulness, movement and stretch, with the aid of the right teacher, I began to notice how good yoga was for my mind and body.  I noticed my internal dialogue and my old habitual behaviors sabotaged my health.  My anxiety and pain improved when I addressed my mindset and accepted my childhood traumas as I worked on blame, shame and found forgiveness.

After 8 years of attending Yoga classes my health continued to improve and “I found my calling”.  I gained the courage to make a decision that “ I needed to teach yoga to others that were also in pain”.  I began taking night courses on anatomy, physiology and counselling.  This deepened my knowledge of this fascinating body we own and all the alternative options for healing.

Confidence Building

By April 2004, I had launched Yoga4you.me. I would tell my students “If they can breathe, they can do yoga”.  I taught yoga part time at various community halls, resorts, churches and nursing homes for many years.  The positive feedback was so rewarding, I was in my element. There is nothing more gratifying than ending a hectic work day

laying on a yoga mat to stretch and moan with other like minded friends.  We soon realize we are all human and share a lot of similarities and need each other for support and community.  Magic Happens when we feel heard, accepted and validated.

This inspired me to explore Somatic therapy to retrain the brain from being in pain.  My experiences not only empower me but all my students benefit as well.  I explored many different holistic therapies such as Healing Touch, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Techniques which all have their fascinating results. I found Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) to be the most rewarding experience I had ever received.  My nervous system was re-regulated through this touch, talk therapy and I experienced a profound shift.  I eagerly pursued to learn this modality and completed the two year BCST certified program in Victoria, B.C. in 2015.

Facilitating the Journey to Heal

I changed the name of my business to “True Touch Therapy” after completing my certification.  I not only offered group and private yoga classes, but now provided 1 on 1 private holistic sessions. I call it a holistic session because I look at the whole picture unbiasedly in order to find solutions.  When we are in our own turmoil it is not easy to look at ourselves from the outside.  During private sessions, client’s often find their own “AHA” moment.  They realize their triggers or behaviour patterns that keeps them stuck and in a lot of pain. Once this is identified, then together we make the plan of action for positive change. As a therapist I guide the client to be accountable and committed to their own wellbeing.

After 24 years at Qualicum Beach Medical Clinic I was ready to let go of my stable attachments. With 13 years experience of teaching yoga part time, I now had the confident clarity to follow my dream.  In 2017 I was now fully committed to offering my Holistic Yoga Therapies full time.

Gratitude and Looking Ahead with Optimism

After 30 years of pharmaceutical meds, I am grateful to be 10 years medication free. From my heart I know that is because I committed myself to self caring practices that yoga (union) brings. The combination of mindfulness, raising my vibration with higher emotions, movement, stretching and better breathing practices, has given me a healthier vessel to live in. It is my honour to share, teach and practice in groups and privately with like minded individuals who are committed and receptive in honouring themselves.

Tracey Babb Pike