So fortunate to have access to our friend and neighbor, Bevs’ and help ourselves to the pickings…
The starfruit are in abundance and falling on the ground. So juicy!!!
And you gotta Love it when the coconut are this reachable:)
The crazy, spindly Papaya by the house is loaded!
You can see a few visible Limes in the lush green bush. Great camouflage!
The Pomegranate shrub doesn’t look like much, but boy is it producing!
The Jack Fruit that Gordon is comparing has grown quite a bit in 2 weeks! Wonder when it is ready?
The Banana is not quite ready yet, give it a week. We made banana pancakes this morning with our last batch of ripened fruit. Was interesting to say the least! No flour, just banana, baking soda and egg. Very hard to flip, making them small helps, but talk about tasty! No maple syrup needed, we added peanut butter instead.
This and so much more will be served at our Retreats.
Grapefruit, Passion Fruit, Mango and Rose Apple are also in season.